Lo sentimos, pero esta página solamente existe en Inglés.

Disputes and fraud alerts


Read our introduction to disputes here.

Fetch all disputes

curl -i https://api.paylike.io/disputes \
-u :<api-key>

Query parameters:

  • pagination (required)
  • filter[merchantId] (required)
  • filter[transactionId] (optional)

Fetch a dispute

curl https://api.paylike.io/disputes/<dispute-id> \
-u :<api-key>

Will return:

  dispute: {
    id: String,
    merchantId: String, // ID of the owning merchant account
    transactionId: String, // Related transaction
    created: Date,
    amount: Number,
    reason: {
      code: Number,
      title: String,
    due: Date,

Reason codes

Code Reason
0 Other
1 General transaction dispute
2 Fraudulent transaction
3 Transaction not recognized
4 Product not as described
5 Product not delivered
6 Refund not processed
7 Incorrect amount or currency
8 Duplicate
9 Subscription cancelled
10 Information request
11 Paid by other mean

Fraud alerts

Prior to submitting a dispute due to fraud or if an issuing bank suspects a transaction to be fraudulent they must mark it as fraudulent to help the merchant to fight fraud. Even though these rules are clear, it's common for issuing banks to skip sending fraud alerts.

Fraud alerts are not realtime but made available via our API daily. Mastercard refers to fraud alerts as “SAFE” (System to Avoid Fraud Effectively) and Visa, refers to them as “TC40”. We collectively refer to these fraud reports as “Fraud alerts”.

A fraud alert is represented on a transaction's trail property.

Fetch all fraud alerts

curl -i https://api.paylike.io/frauds \
-u :<api-key>

Query parameters:

  • pagination (required)
  • filter[merchantId] (required)
  • filter[transactionId] (optional)

Fetch a fraud alert

curl https://api.paylike.io/frauds/<fraud-id> \
-u :<api-key>

Will return:

  fraud: {
    id: String,
    merchantId: String, // ID of the owning merchant account
    transactionId: String, // Related transaction
    created: Date,
    reported: Date|undefined,
    reason: Number|undefined,

Reason codes

Code Reason
0 Misc
1 Fraudulent usage
2 Fraudulent application
3 Counterfeit
4 Account takeover
5 Card not delivered
6 Card stolen
7 Card lost

Questions about disputes or fraud alerts? Get in touch.